Shahid Bakeri

Stories from the life of Shahid Mahdi Bakeri – a young leader who served the people for Allah’s sake, and finally gave his life away, for Allah’s sake.

What better place than this?

We were at the dam and the enemy was only 20 meters away. I told Agha Mahdi, “For the sake of Islam, please retreat. Even though you wish for martyrdom, …

Where are you?!

It was the day before he was martyred. One side of the embankment of the front line was still not connected. It was difficult to build as whoever was sent to carry out this work, was martyred …

What did you ask the Imam?

After the preparation for Operation Khayber, all the commanders were taken to Mashhad to perform the Ziyarat of Imam Reza (a.s). I did not get the chance to go with Agha Mahdi on this trip. On his return, …

Let him continue working for me

Agha Mahdi had made me in charge of the supplies. The person working in the storehouse came to me and said, “There is a volunteer here who works like 10 men. He doesn’t take any leave nor …

Don’t disrespect even their dead bodies

Mahdi hated to kill… His sole objective was to take over the enemy’s commanders, not the people. He would never be happy when he would hear about people getting killed. But …

Don’t come to me, go to Allah

It was before the second stage of the Wal Fajr 4 operation. The army was preparing for an attack. We were given a reconnaissance task to go identify the enemy’s position, the obstacles and their defences …

Real bankruptcy

I was tired of working at the military communication office. I wanted to join the troops. I went to search for Agha Mehdi. I told him that I had no interest in the duty I had been assigned …

We must be careful of wastage

Agha Mahdi was not able to go to the front line with the troops. He was supposed to stay at the headquarters and lead the operations. He didn’t sleep at all that night …

A leader is accountable

Sometimes, Mahdi would not come home at night. I used to ask him why, but he never gave a satisfying response. That was until one rainy night…

The reason he ruled the hearts

He was heading from the Hills towards their base with the other soldiers. There were cars driving past him as he walked. He didn’t try to wave for a car to stop so he could get a ride. As I was driving by, …

Harsh and bitter words never work

Performing prayers on time was one of Agha Mahdi’s top priorities and a well-known practice of his. Without words, he was able to communicate the value of praying on time and to encourage this practice, …

Who is this driver?

There was a container at the headquarters. We went there for the last briefings, where Shaheed Ahmed Kazimi at the time was the commander of the Najaf Ashraf Brigade …