Shahid Mutawassilian

Stories from the life of Shahid Ahmad Motawassiliyan… A humble and hardworking commander who dedicated his life in Allah’s service, and was martyred on His path.

A punishment with love!

We were stationed at the Do Kooheh base where we had arranged a short course for the troops. One day, as we had been training…

Supplication in Solitude

Every time there was an operation and the boys were all going to the frontlines, Haj Ahmed would be out of sight for a couple of hours.

Who do you think you are?

Our troops had captured a strong and heavy built enemy officer. The boys had surrounded him and were insisting that he says, “Death to Saddam”.…

It was quite a surprise for me!

I had just reached the barracks and wanted to see Haj Ahmed. As I was entering, I was taken aback by what I saw. In…

King of the hearts

King of the heartsKing of the heartsKing of the hearts {{svg_share_icon}} Free Download When we were stationed at one of the bases, each day one…