What basic spiritual program would you advice to those interested in spiritual wayfaring?

Question: What advice do you have for those who are interested in spiritual travelling and wayfaring, so that they can follow a basic program?
Answer: First of all, travelling and wayfaring is nothing except continuously obeying Allah. The following points that are necessary for spiritual progress:
- Strengthening beliefs, as well as learning about and strictly adhering to performing the compulsory actions and staying away from the prohibited ones.
- Offering prayers on time and, even better, in congregation.
- Reciting 20 verses of Quran every day.
- Reciting the recommended duas after daily prayers as often as possible, especially the tasbeeh of Hadhrat Fatima Zahra (a).
- Reciting nafilah prayers: 2 rakah before Fajr, 4 rakah after maghrib, 2 rakah sitting after ‘isha. You can start by reciting a few at first, and then gradually building up.
- Going through the practical Islamic laws.
- Maintaining good relationships with family members and brothers in faith.
- Engaging in lawful worldly activities.
- Reciting the daily ziyaarat of the Imams (as) during the week.
- Sending salawat upon the Prophet and his household on Thursday nights and Fridays.
- Reciting surah tawhid 100 times and istighfaar on Fridays.
- Frequently attending religious gatherings and establishing a connection with religious scholars.