Hey! Watch your tone!

We were sitting in the command center with Ibrahim. All of a sudden, someone entered the room and started shouting at Ibrahim and kept going on. I eventually interfered, “Hey! Watch your tone? Speak properly! You are addressing the commander! You may be right, but who allows you to speak to the commander in this manner?” He replied back, “sit down! Who you suppose to be?” He then continued and blamed Ibrahim for some issue that had not been given attention to.
Throughout the heated outburst, Ibrahim sat silently and listened to him in a relaxed manner. He did not show any reaction. After the man finished, he replied calmly saying, “You are right! Please don’t be upset. Please try to compose yourself. I will definitely investigate the issue and InshAllah, it will be solved.”
Ibrahim’s way of speaking taught us a lesson. We learned how Ibrahim controlled himself, and calmly, would answer without getting upset even a little.
This was a story from the life of Shahid… Ibrahim Hemmat. A young and active youth who gave his all for Allah’s sake, and left this world as a shahid.