Fasting and our Responsibility towards the Deprived

In the Qur’an we read,

“Have you seen the one who denies the religion? For that is the one who drives away the orphan. And does not encourage the feeding of the poor” [107:1-3]  

One of the signs of denying religion is that one is indifferent to the poor and needy, and does not feel a sense of responsibility towards them. In the month of Ramadhan, with the blessing of fasting, we have understood and tasted hunger, thirst, and not fulfilling our appetite. This should bring us closer to the feeling of responsibility towards the poor that Islam has given importance to. This should bring us closer to this responsibility that lies upon our shoulders.    

Of course, the solution for poverty in a foundational sense in each society is achieved through the path of establishing a system of social justice, such that anyone who encroaches on the rights of others cannot take the wealth which is the right of all and expropriate it for his own benefit. This is a responsibility of the government. However, the people also have a heavy responsibility on their shoulders. The enforcement of a plan for a whole society is only possible in the long term, middle term and gradually. However, we can’t just wait until the plan for society comes to fruition and in the meantime simply observe the deprivation of the needy and the poverty of the hungry in society. This is a responsibility upon the people themselves and upon all those who can make an effort on this path. 

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