I finally found the person…

We asked him, “don’t you want to get married?” He said, “Why not?” We were surprised. We weren’t expecting him to accept the idea of getting married so easily.

Sometime later, upon his return from another city, he told us, “I’ve finally found the person I’ve been seeking”. I asked, “So easily?” He said “No. It was not so simple. She really troubled me before she agreed.” I said, “you mean, she is ready to go with you wherever you go?” He replied with a smile, “even if go to the other end of the world, she will be there with me”. I congratulated him. The girl he was interested in marrying was a university student who had left the comforts of her city and went to serve the deprived people in a region.

Ibrahim had asked her several times, but she had rejected him…

She had later made the intention to fast for forty days in a row along with reciting Du‘a Tawassul, such that in the end, she would accept the first proposal that comes to her. On the 40th night exactly, it so happened that Ibrahim, once again, proposed to her, and that’s when she accepted him.

This was a story from the life of Shahid… Ibrahim Hemmat.. a young and active youth, who gave his all for Allah’s sake, and left this world as a shahid

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