Harsh and bitter words never work

Performing prayers on time was one of Agha Mahdi’s top priorities and a well-known practice of his. Without words, he was able to communicate the value of praying on time and to encourage this practice, he used to make special arrangements in the form of different activities.
It was after the Ramadhan Operation… It was time for the afternoon prayers, and we went to join in the congregational prayers. Agha Mahdi was also there, however many people hadn’t come. Someone picked up the mic and started saying, “What kind of brigade is this with such a lack of spirituality (reprimanding, not shouting)? Why aren’t you joining? Are you not Muslims?” We were very surprised to hear this and as I looked at Agha Mahdi, I felt that he too was not happy with what had been said but remained silent. Someone took the mic, and in defence exclaimed, “Our boys here are spiritual, pure and sincere”.
After the prayers, Agha Mahdi approached the first speaker and advised him, “Dear brother, performing prayers right on time is extremely valuable, but some of these boys are young and their age demands playing football and engaging in fun activities. If these clash with the time for prayers, it is our duty to speak with them individually, in the best possible manner, to slowly convince them to recite their prayers on time and to make this a priority. But harsh and bitter words will never work.”
This was a story from the life of Shahid… Mahdi Bakeri. A young leader who served the people for Allah’s sake, and finally gave his life away, for Allah’s sake.