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Ramadhan: A Condensed Package

This course is a condensed package to help you make the most of the month of Ramadhan.
babalridha · April 23, 2020
NOTE: This is a free form course – you may move freely through the course and access any lesson without following the designated step sequence.

About the course

Ramadhan is a very special month for all Muslims around the world. During this month, the blessings of Allah (swt) pour on all those who are fasting and the doors of opportunity for spiritual growth are wide open. However, do we know how to make the most of this month?

We firstly need to be aware of the laws regarding fasting, ensuring we bring to perfection this important foundation of Islam. We then need to review our relationship with the Quran, the book which was revealed in this month to guide us towards eternal perfection. The duas recommended to us in this month are also very special, full of meaning and emotions which we ought to reflect upon. There’s also the night of Qadr that comes once a year and grants us the opportunity to travel the journey of a thousand months in one night. And finally, reflection on how to ensure we keep going after the month of Ramadhan.

This course is a condensed package to help you make the most of the month of Ramadhan.

What you will learn in this course

  • The relevant ahkaam of fasting
  • How to strengthen our relationship with the holy Quran, and benefit more from the words of Allah
  • Some important concepts related to the dua of Abu Hamza al-Thumali and the dua al-Iftitah
  • What the nights of Qadr mean and practical tips in order not to miss out
  • How to keep going after the month of Ramadhan


Interacting with the Quran

Time Management

Extra Reading

Course Content

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
  • 41 Topics
  • 5 Quizzes