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Interacting with the Quran

The Holy Quran is a divine source of guidance, knowledge and blessings for all Muslims.
babalridha · February 9, 2020

About the course
The Holy Quran is a divine source of guidance, knowledge and blessings for all Muslims. The Quran guides us towards our goal of absolute perfection and true felicity; it opens an infinite door of knowledge for us and brings about blessings in our life. Indeed, it is the rope that has come down from the sky which will take to the heavens anyone who clings to it.

However, many of us find this book difficult to engage with, and thus sadly many of us are deprived of its guidance and blessings. The way to change this, is through building a strong personal relationship and attachment with the Quran. By doing so, the words of Allah (swt) will definitely have a stronger impact in our lives. Through a person bond with the Quran, we can definitely find the motivation to ‘listen to it’, ponder upon it and act according to it. This attachment is called ‘uns’.

What you will learn in this course
– Practical steps towards attachment to the physical aspect of the Quran
– Practical steps towards attachment to the words of the Quran
– The role of translation and tafseer of the Quran
– Attachment to the Quran through tadabbur (‘to ponder upon’)
– Practical examples of tadabbur of the some verses of the holy Quran

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Course Content

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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 23 Topics
  • 4 Quizzes